LUC governance
The purpose of the Governance Group is to guide the maintenance and future development of the Land Use Capability Classification System (LUCCS). This group aims to recognise both the original intent of the LUCCS and the opportunities for its development.
The aim of the Governance Group is to ensure that LUCCS is maintained and developed to meet future needs and include:
- Setting the overall direction for the maintenance and future development of the LUCCS so that it remains/is fit for purpose.
- Provide a forum where stakeholders can express their individual and collective community needs to ensure the LUCCS develops in response to new needs and technologies.
- Ensure that key agencies are engaged and supportive of the maintenance and development of the LUCCS, identifying and seeking the support of key stakeholders to arrange funding for the on-going development of the LUCCS.
- Encourage the use of the LUCCS as a nationally consistent framework, across scales and ensure that the system is accessible and supported through appropriate capability development.
- Promote the strengths and limitations in the use of LUCCS to ensure its appropriate application in today’s regulatory environment.
The Governance Group for LUC is made up of representatives of key stakeholder groups, including:
- Regional councils, Territorial and unitary authorities
- Pan-council special interest groups (SIG’s) (e.g. Land Monitoring Forum, Land Managers Group and Regional Policy Managers Group);
- Central Government stakeholders (e.g., from Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI), Ministry for the Environment (MfE), Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment (MBIE));
- Land-based primary sector groups (e.g. Federated Farmers, Beef & Lamb, Forestry Owners Association, DeerNZ);
- Farm, environmental and mapping consultants;
- Science providers (e.g. Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research, AgResearch);
- Professional land-based societies (e.g. New Zealand Association of Resource Management; New Zealand Society of Soil Science).