Our Environment
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What is Our Environment?
Our Environment is an interactive map viewer for New Zealand land-related environmental information.
The NZ Land Atlas provides you with free online maps and reports illustrating various aspects of the land, land resources and landscapes of New Zealand.
One of the important data layers in Our Environment is the Land Use Capability (LUC) classification. A brief description of the LUC data can be viewed, the map key, and information relating to each of the LUC's classes is displayed and reporting tools are available.
Also mapped is a visualisation of the baseline extent of Highly Productive Land, represented here as Land Use Capability classes 1, 2 and 3, as mapped in the New Zealand Land Resource Inventory.
Our Environment
Land Use Capability map
An interactive, free, online service providing access to environmental data including the the Land Use Capability (LUC) classification. A brief description of the LUC data can be viewed, the map key, and information relating to each of the LUC's classes is displayed and reporting tools are available.

Coverage: The whole of mainland New Zealand | Date: Launched in 2011. Layers are updated as new versions of data become available | License: Science data © Manaaki Whenua. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 NZ License |