MWLR publications
Manaaki Whenua and its predecessor organisations have a rich heritage of materials on New Zealand's land environment
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Stay up-to-date with our research
How to manage our land resources is a fundamental issue facing Aoteroa New Zealand. Current research undertaken by Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research address this by exploring the areas of:
Enhancing soils, water & land
Research aimed at using land more sustainably to better protect and restore land and soil resources and reduce the impact of land use on freshwater resources and provide he whenua koiora (better use resources for intergenerational well-being).
People & environment
Our research spans rural, conservation, and urban landscapes, and the full range of ecosystem services viewed from both Western science and indigenous knowledge systems.This work is integrated with our work in all impact areas where people need improved tools for decision-making, policy, governance, regulation, planning, and strategy development.