LUC documentation by region

This page is your key pathway to the regional LUC resources we have available

Northland Gisborne East Coast South Island Malborough Coromandel Taranaki-Manawatu Eastern Bay of Plenty Bay of Plenty Waikato Wellington Southern Hawkes Bay Wairapa Northern Hawkes Bay

01 Northland

  • Harmsworth, G.R. 1996. Land use capability classification of the Northland region: a report to accompany the second edition, New Zealand land resource inventory. Landcare Research Science Series 9.
    Please note: The 1st edition legend is not being listed here as all information has been superseded by the 2nd edition bulletin. However, 1st edition documentation can be provided upon request.

  • Hicks, D. & Vujcich, V. 2017. Farm-scale land use capability classification for Auckland. Auckland Council technical report, TR2017/016.

02 Waikato

03 Coromandel

04 Bay of Plenty - Volcanic Plateau

05 Eastern Bay of Plenty

06 Gisborne - East Coast

  • Jessen, M.R.; Crippen, T.F.; Page, M.J.; Rijkse, W.C.; Harmsworth, G.R.; McLeod, M. 1999. Land use capability classification of the Gisborne - East Coast region: a report to accompany the second edition, New Zealand land resource inventory. Landcare Research Science Series 21

Please note: 1st edition legend is not being listed here as all information has been superseded by the 2nd edition bulletin above. However, 1st edition documentation can be provided upon request.

07 Northern Hawke's Bay

08 Southern Hawke's Bay - Wairarapa

09 Wellington

  • Page, M.J. 1995. Land use capability classification of the Wellington region: a report to accompany the second edition, New Zealand land resource inventory. Landcare Research Science Series 6

Please note: 1st edition legend is not being listed here as all information has been superseded by the 2nd edition bulletin above. However, 1st edition documentation can be provided upon request.

10 Taranaki - Manawatu

11 Marlborough

  • Lynn, I.H. 1996. Land use capability classification of the Marlborough region: a report to accompany the second edition, New Zealand land resource inventory. Landcare Research Science Series 12
  • NWASCO (1973): Recommended conservation land use of the Awatere River Catchment, Marlborough, South Island, New Zealand.
    Report (pdf, 8 MB) | Maps (pdf, 9 MB)

Please note that mapped area excludes the Marlborough Sounds but includes part Kaikoura District.

12 South Island

Please note: 1st edition coverage includes the Marlborough Sounds. A4 format legend (Van Berkel 1983) records areas, percentages and dominant inventory codes per LUC unit.