LUC at regional level

Large and extensive surveys are undertaken at district, regional and national levels. They typically cover large areas, use less detailed scales and have a general rather than specific resource management purpose and can be used for many different applications.

At a Regional scale LUC can be useful in identifying the land use capacity in the region. This can aid in identifying the highly productive land that is a requirement for the National Policy statement.

A LUC map may also be useful to the Consents Planner when accessing the land, especially regarding the National Policy Statement – Highly Productive Land.

Best practice of use
Policy Context

Land Use Capability

Our Environment

An interactive, free, online service providing access to some of Manaaki Whenua´s considerable holdings of environmental data including the the Land Use Capability (LUC) classification.
A brief description of the LUC data can be viewed, the map key, and information relating to each of the LUC's classes is displayed and reporting tools (single location, LINZ property boundaries, Māori Land Blocks, Territorial Authorities or the Regional Councils) are available.